Does the thought of bending over to pick something up leave you with a feeling of dread? If so, you’re not alone. Upper back pain has become a widespread issue affecting people of all ages. A study done by Oxford Academic shows that 1 in 10 men and 1 in 5 women suffer from upper back pain.
Chronic back pain can limit one’s daily activity level and decrease their ability to perform everyday tasks. Conventional treatments may offer temporary relief but often fall short of addressing the root cause, and they can come with a list of harmful side effects. But upper cervical care may be able to offer you lasting drug-free relief. Read on to discover how upper cervical care can help with upper back pain.
Anatomy 101: Your Spine
The spine is divided into three sections:
The lower back
The lower back, also called the lumbar region, is the area of the spine that starts below the ribcage. This region consists of five vertebrae, L1 to L5, and they are the largest vertebrae of your entire spine. Your lumbar spine is the center of your body’s balance, and this region supports the weight of your whole body. Your lumbar spine together with the muscles and ligaments that attach to it allow you to run, walk, sit, lift, and experience a range of motion.
Your lumbar spine protects your spinal cord as well as the cauda equina (the nerves that descend from the end of your spinal cord). It also supports the upper two sections of your spine and the weight of your head.
The mid to upper back
Your middle and upper back, also called the thoracic spine, consists of twelve vertebrae that run between the base of the neck and the lower back region. The thoracic region makes up the longest portion of your spine and serves as an anchor for the rib cage. Because this region attaches to the ribcage, it has a smaller range of motion than other parts of your spine, meaning that upper back problems are less common than lower back or neck issues.
The neck
The neck region, or the cervical spine, consists of the first seven vertebrae at the top of your spinal column, near your neck. It is their job to house and protect your spinal cord. They are also responsible for our wide range of motion in the head and neck area.
The top bone, named after the Greek God Atlas (C1), is where the head attaches to the neck. The second bone (C2) is called the axis, upon which the head and atlas rotate. These two bones comprise the upper cervical spine and are among the most vulnerable bones in the human body. Any misalignment in this region can have a cascade effect on the entire body.
What Causes Upper Back Pain?
The thoracic spine has a lot going on. This region is crucial for a variety of functions related to neural tissue health, organ protection, optimal arm function, breathing mechanics, trunk support, and more. With the numerous vertebrae, joints, muscles, ligaments, and nerves that make up the mid and upper back region, there is a lot of potential for issues and imbalances to pop up and leave you feeling sore. Some of the top underlying reasons for experiencing upper back pain can include:
Poor posture
Too much repetition
Muscle overuse or heavy lifting
Poor core or shoulder mechanics
Your sleep positions
Sprains and strains
Pinched nerves
Torn ligaments or muscles
Joint damage
Disk problems
Certain degenerative conditions
Vertebral subluxations
The Science of Spine Alignment
Upper Cervical chiropractic care isn't just about cracking your back. In fact, because it is so gentle, you may not hear any cracking at all. This non-invasive treatment is about ensuring the entire spine, especially the upper cervical area, is in perfect alignment. Upper cervical care focuses on the vital connection between your neck, brainstem, and central nervous system.
Misaligned vertebrae in the upper cervical area can cause a domino effect of problems, including back pain. Conversely, realigning the spine can have a domino effect on your health as well as your back pain.
Beyond the Spine: A Holistic Perspective
Remember, your back pain may not exist in isolation. It could be the symptom of a broader issue. At Altas Specific, you can expect your doctor to treat you like a whole person and work with you to find the root cause of your back pain. Doctor Tim’s focus is on the body as a whole system; his goal is your overall well-being and wellness.
Our approach to health won’t start with pharmaceuticals to mask symptoms or invasive and costly surgeries, and you won’t walk out of the office with a handful of prescriptions or a surgery date. But you can rest assured that our goal is to help your body heal itself.
Is It Time to See an Upper Cervical Chiropractor?
The holistic approach of Atlas Specific can help you get on track with your health and reduce your pain without resorting to medications that only provide short-term relief. Upper cervical chiropractic may be right for you if you seek long-term benefits without the side effects. Particularly if you or someone you love is experiencing chronic upper back pain, has recently suffered an injury, or has symptoms that keep coming back despite the use of medication.
If you’re ready to find lasting relief, schedule a free consultation by clicking the link below, dropping by our office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108 in Durango, or calling us at 970 – 259 – 6803.
Notice of Disclaimer:
We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of the patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.