A good night’s sleep, unfortunately for many people it’s an elusive dream. We all know that 7-8 hours of sleep are required each night, but for some even hitting the pillow early doesn’t always guarantee you’ll get the necessary hours of Z’s for optimal health. Stress, a racing mind, various aches and pains, an unsupportive mattress, and even the wrong pillow, can all prevent you from getting truly restful sleep.
But, did you know that Upper Cervical Care may improve your sleep? Upper Cervical Care is most often thought of as a treatment for spinal problems but there are many hidden benefits to these treatments, including better sleep.
Statistics Regarding Sleep
Lack of proper sleep is one of the most common problems people face today. According to sleephealth.org, 70% of US adults report that they obtain insufficient sleep at least one night a month, and 11% report insufficient sleep every night.
An older study done by the CDC found that 1 in 3 Americans don’t get enough sleep. What’s more, their study also showed that people with jobs are more likely to get 7 or more hours of sleep at night than unemployed people. Another telling statistic was that 5% more married people slept through the night than those who were never married and 11% more than those who went through a divorce, separation, or death of a mate.
It is clear from the data, that stress and emotional trauma play a role in both the quality and quantity of sleep. But could physical stress and trauma also be an issue? Before we discuss the potential underlying causes of sleep issues, let’s go over some of the important benefits of quality, restful sleep.
Why Is Sleep So Important?
Sleep, or lack thereof, affects just about every aspect of our daily lives. Consider the following reasons that sleeping well at night is an absolute necessity:
Emotional Well-being Each night while you sleep, your brain is working out what it needs to for the next day. Without a good night’s rest, you may be more likely to struggle with depression, mood swings, stress, or a lack of motivation.
Cognitive Function Research shows that a well-rested brain can learn faster and is better at problem-solving. It helps memory as well as the ability to make good decisions.
Physical Well-being A lack of sleep can lead to heart disease, stroke, obesity, higher blood sugar levels, inhibited growth and development, and lead to reduced immune system function.
Safety Studies show that driving drowsy can be just as dangerous as driving drunk. Being sleepy can affect your performance on the job or at school and lead to risk-taking or mistakes that could be dangerous in some situations.
With all that in mind, it’s easy to see that improving your sleep could have a huge impact on your overall quality of life.
Symptoms of Sleeping Problems and Insomnia
Sleeping problems have a broad symptomatic spectrum, ranging from trouble falling asleep to difficulty waking. As a formal condition, the effects of insomnia tend to be more descriptive, with typical symptoms including:
Difficulty falling asleep
Waking during the night.
Waking too early in the morning
Not feeling well-rested even after a full night’s sleep
Daytime drowsiness
Difficulty concentrating for prolonged periods of time
Upper Cervical Care and Improved Sleep
There are several ways that Upper Cervical Care may improve your sleep. However, for this article, we will highlight the top two ways that have had the largest impact on the lives of practice members that struggle with poor quality and/or quantity of sleep.
Pain Reduction
Oftentimes, people don’t recognize that pain in the joints, limbs, and even the hands or feet may originate from compressions or misalignments in the spine and neck areas. Even the slightest misalignment in the upper cervical spine can exacerbate pain and inflammation throughout the body. As pain increases or becomes more constant, it can become a barrier to quality, restful sleep. With precise and gentle Upper Cervical corrections doctors Tim and Danielle can reduce pain throughout the body by addressing the cause of the pain rather than the symptom.
Brain Stem Health
The atlas (C1) is the most important and vulnerable vertebrae in the upper spine. It is responsible for the full range of movement of the head, but that additional movement comes at the cost of being more susceptible to misalignments and injury. Making matters worse, this also happens to be the area of the spine that includes the brain stem.
The brainstem controls many of the processes that take place without conscious decision-making (i.e., breathing). It also sends the signals that the body uses to regulate its own internal clock (called a circadian clock). That means both the sleep and wake cycles are dependent on the brainstem.
Thus, pinches or restrictions in the function of the Upper Cervical Spine, caused by subluxations (misalignments) can have a direct negative impact on sleep, even when there is no pain in the neck or other areas of the body. If you are suffering from insomnia or other sleep issues, the atlas is one place you should be looking to for natural relief, especially if you have any personal history of head or neck trauma.
You Could be a Correction Away From Better Sleep
If you live in Durango, Bayfield, Ignacio, Cortez, or the Four Corners Region and you’re not getting enough quality sleep, it might be time to have Dr. Tim check out your spine and nervous system! Contact us today by dropping by our office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, in Durango, giving us a call at 970 – 259 – 6803, or clicking the link below to schedule a free consultation. You could be a gentle correction away from drug-free better sleep.
Notice of Disclaimer:
We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website are for informational and educational purposes only, do not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of the patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.